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Indoor Copper Buddha Cheese is an aerated flower. Its relatively pronounced duck green buds offer beautiful orange colored pistils that remind its powerful and fruity aromas. Content strong in CBD, it allows safe consumption. The beginners will find a satisfactory effect after their first tests and the accustomed will be able to appeal for their regular consumption. Available in 1 gram, 3 grams, 6 grams, 12 grams and 24 grams and 50 grams cBD flower Buddha Cheese adapts to all consumption, with a degressive price according to quantity.
His name Buddha Cheese he owes him especially to his taste. This one is a taste, tropical, with mango notes, no surprise. From the first bite you will discover notes of citrus fruit followed by tropical notes. An explosion of flavors that you will adopt this flower without hesitation.
Its effect also evokes the tropics: calm and mellow, it wraps you in a soft play of happiness. De dominance Indica, its action targets intense relaxation.
The Buddha Cheese is taken in the case of social anxiety by many consumers who feel more comfortable after consumption. It is also known to act against stress and chronic pain during regular consumption.
Like all of us flowers Buddha Cheese can be consumed using one of the following methods:
Paris Banlieue
24 hours
Everywhere in the hexagon
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